UA-198543153-1 Minisode 4 - Mini Microphones - Review That Review with Chelsey and Trey

Episode 4

Minisode 4: Mini Microphones

On this last Monday for the month of December, the Queens are bringing you the final minisode in the style of their Members Only After-Show Podcast! This week the Queens break down a 1 Star Amazon Review for Mini Microphones from's Gift List, "A Gift Under $50 for Every Type of Co-worker!"

If you've loved these Monday Minisodes, let us know! We would also love for you to join us over on our Member's Only After Show Podcast when you join our Patreon!

 Click Here for ALL the details on how to join our Patreon Royal Court for Bonus content and Member's Only After-Show Podcast featuring additional reviews, deeper dives, salacious stories, and more.

***** PROMO CODES *****


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Review That Review is an independent podcast.  Executive Produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with editing and sound design by Trey Gerrald.  Cover art designed by LogoVora, voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky, and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Review That Review with Chelsey and Trey
Review That Review with Chelsey and Trey
A comedy podcast rating reviewing, and hilariously dissecting online reviews, uncovering the outrageous stories behind the stars.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Trey Gerrald

Trey Gerrald

Actor | Writer | Human-Person
Review Queen 👑
Profile picture for Chelsey Donn

Chelsey Donn

Actress | Comedian | Writer
Review Queen 👑