UA-198543153-1 94 - Female Urinal - Review That Review with Chelsey & Trey

Episode 94

Episode 94: Female Urinal

The Queens rate and review a 5 Star Amazon Review for a Female Urinal. Chelsey wants Linda and Carl to shush, Trey hates your success skit-skat wordplay, and the Queens love pink. YUCKS! Queendom Question: Would you watch a Merry Little Rocky Horror Show?

(04:39) Lodge a Complaint!

(13:43) Review

(31:33) Exclusive Offer

(36:45) My Royal Highness

(40:07) DONATE!

(40:39) On This Week's After Show Pod

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Review That Review is an independent podcast.  Executive Produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with editing and sound design by Trey Gerrald.  Cover art designed by LogoVora, voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky, and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.


Everybody's got an opinion.


Every Californian and Virginian.


It's so hard to tell who to trust and who to ignore.


Someone's gotta settle the score.


Trey and Chelsey will help you choose.


Who's views win, which ones lose.


Online haters are coming for you.


Baby, it's time to Review That Review!

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Have and welcome once again to Review That Review, the

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

'I won't do that the whole time.

Chelsey Donn:

We're just like Cisco and Ebert only.

Chelsey Donn:

Instead of reviewing cinematic masterpieces, we rate and review those hilarious 'I

Trey Gerrald:

That is ChelseyBD Donn A'.

Chelsey Donn:

And that is Terry Gerard

Trey Gerrald:

And together we are


The Review Queen.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Very special

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

We're losing it.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

'I was like, how do 'I do that?

Chelsey Donn:

Voice in A', British accent.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, regardless.

Trey Gerrald:

Hey, hey, hey.

Trey Gerrald:

To all of our Patreon members, we love you all for supporting us.

Trey Gerrald:

If you're curious, go to Review That Review dot com slash Patreon to find out more about that.

Trey Gerrald:

If you wanna show support in an additional way, then we would love to encourage you to go to

Chelsey Donn:

No, no, no, no.

Chelsey Donn:

Review That Review dot com slash donate.

Trey Gerrald:

That's right.

Trey Gerrald:

Made you listen.

Trey Gerrald:

ChelseyBD, how are ya?

Chelsey Donn:

'I am good.

Chelsey Donn:

'I went to A' birthday party this weekend, which was fun.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm wearing A' very presidential shirt today.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

Biden Harris shirt and it was my friend Grace's birthday and she just

Chelsey Donn:

So that was kind of A' creative moment.

Trey Gerrald:

Very cute,

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah, 'I liked it.

Chelsey Donn:

A' lot and 'I got this cute pin

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

friend of the pod.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Happy birthday, grace

Chelsey Donn:

Happy birthday, grace.

Chelsey Donn:

Belated birthday, grace.

Chelsey Donn:

But excited to be here with you.

Chelsey Donn:

Trey, how was your week?

Trey Gerrald:

'I had A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Good week.

Trey Gerrald:

You know, life is chugging along.

Trey Gerrald:

'I just love 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Love like 'I love spring.

Trey Gerrald:

But spring is so short.

Trey Gerrald:

It's like almost nonexistent.

Trey Gerrald:

But 'I just feel like there's always like this sense of like, there's promise around the corner.

Trey Gerrald:

'I don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

To things are blooming.

Trey Gerrald:

And 'I know that my.

Trey Gerrald:

When is the start of spring, isn't it like the 21st or something?

Trey Gerrald:

'I feel like we literally did this last year, but 'I know that my grandmother's birthday

Trey Gerrald:

So 'I always

Chelsey Donn:

the first day of summer

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Think we definitely did

Chelsey Donn:

we did this.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

It is.

Trey Gerrald:

So, you know, as someone who consumes podcasts, 'I never understood when like,

Trey Gerrald:

You know, it's like you're listening to the conversation.

Trey Gerrald:

It's in your head.

Trey Gerrald:

It's very personal.

Trey Gerrald:

You feel like you're A' part of it, and it's your choice to listen.

Trey Gerrald:

So then like you have an attachment that's very different.

Trey Gerrald:

being the person that's doing it.

Trey Gerrald:

Because so many times, like my favorite podcasts, they'll like not remember telling

Trey Gerrald:

So, but it is really wild because we always have to have A', Complaint,

Trey Gerrald:

We always have something to indu.

Trey Gerrald:

Like there is this sense of like, 'I can't even, and 'I started A' spreadsheet very early on, but

Chelsey Donn:

it is.

Chelsey Donn:

It can be hard to keep track of everything.

Trey Gerrald:

Forget, like 'I Forget.

Chelsey Donn:

know 'I have amnesia after recording.

Chelsey Donn:

But anyway, point is spraying in like A' Lion out like A' Lamb.

Chelsey Donn:

all that

Trey Gerrald:

Sing like A' Flower.

Trey Gerrald:

Sing like A' Bee Sing like A'.

Trey Gerrald:

What is that song?

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Like A', butterfly sting, like A' bee something.

Chelsey Donn:

We're good at things.

Trey Gerrald:

What song is that?

Chelsey Donn:

'I Dunno.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Call in, let us know.

Trey Gerrald:

One eight, five, zero review.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

All right, well, ChelseyBD, should we take our confusion, amnesia and turn it

Trey Gerrald:

Are you ready to.


Lodge, A', Complaint.

Chelsey Donn:

'I am ready to Lodge A, Complaint and 'I.

Chelsey Donn:

Don't even care if I've said this before, cuz when 'I wrote it down, 'I was like, maybe 'I did.

Chelsey Donn:

Maybe 'I didn't.

Chelsey Donn:

It's worth repeating.

Chelsey Donn:

You're watching A' show with A' friend, A' parent A', significant other.

Chelsey Donn:

Maybe A' new acquaintance.

Chelsey Donn:

You're watching the show together, okay?

Chelsey Donn:

You're both experiencing it together, and then that person starts asking you

Chelsey Donn:

'I don't know, Linda, are we not watching the same thing?

Chelsey Donn:

Why are you gonna interrupt my putting together of the pieces?

Chelsey Donn:

With your question, if you have A' question, 'I probably have the same one.

Chelsey Donn:

We're watching the same thing.

Chelsey Donn:

And if you're not paying attention, then that is on you.

Chelsey Donn:

Why are you interrupting my experience of A' Show, which 'I consider pretty sacred to ask

Chelsey Donn:

And even if 'I did know 'I, really don't wanna be interrupted right now to tell you.

Chelsey Donn:

So it's annoying and please stop doing.

Trey Gerrald:

There really are certain people that verbalize and communicate

Chelsey Donn:

the whole time.

Trey Gerrald:

during watching things.

Trey Gerrald:

It's very weird.

Trey Gerrald:

There really are people that do that.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

And sometimes it is like older generations, which is annoying, but like

Chelsey Donn:

'I don't know, but like, still annoying.

Chelsey Donn:

Whether it's A' your own,

Trey Gerrald:

Why'd they say

Chelsey Donn:

you know?

Chelsey Donn:

Why did they say that?

Chelsey Donn:

Why did they do, did she do this?

Chelsey Donn:

Do you think she did that?

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

Let's find out.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Well, you know, this is sort of an extension of why 'I can't do like drag race

Trey Gerrald:

Carl 'I want to know what happens on the show

Chelsey Donn:

can talk about it over A' cocktail after.

Trey Gerrald:

on the commercial break?

Trey Gerrald:

Like 'I don't need your running commentary.

Trey Gerrald:

Like, you're not as A', you're not as funny as you think you are.

Trey Gerrald:

B, who cares what you think?

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

'I might, but not.

Trey Gerrald:

While I'm digesting it myself, don't interrupt my experience.

Chelsey Donn:

This is like the highlight of my week.

Chelsey Donn:

You know what 'I mean?

Chelsey Donn:

Like, let me just enjoy this

Trey Gerrald:

The only time, the only time.

Trey Gerrald:

These sort of running comment.

Trey Gerrald:

'I think are fully acceptable and funny are Lifetime Christmas movies.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Hundred percent.

Trey Gerrald:

That's really fun because 'I feel like part of that experience

Chelsey Donn:

'I mean, that's almost like A' rocky Horror moment where you're like,

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

But no, like when I'm watching A' show, like right now I'm watching poker face,

Chelsey Donn:

And you know, there's like, it's A' mystery element or like unfolding storylines.

Chelsey Donn:

Like things are happening.

Chelsey Donn:

Like, don't ask me questions.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm like picking up on clues here.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm being.

Chelsey Donn:

Harriet, the spy, and you're interrupting my ability to figure out what's going on.

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Wonder if I'm guilty of that.

Trey Gerrald:

'I feel like 'I might, 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Wonder if 'I do that to David.

Chelsey Donn:

Ask David.

Chelsey Donn:

David 'I know you're listening.

Chelsey Donn:

'I mean 'I.

Chelsey Donn:

Listen, we're all guilty.

Chelsey Donn:

Like 'I know that I'm this person.

Chelsey Donn:

If I'm like around 'I, 'I, don't even wanna say just A' guy, cuz 'I

Chelsey Donn:

But when I'm around people that really like sports and 'I like have no idea what's

Chelsey Donn:

And I'm like, what's happening here?

Chelsey Donn:

What's that?

Chelsey Donn:

What's that?

Chelsey Donn:

But to me, and maybe I'm wrong, like that feels less.

Chelsey Donn:

'I 'I.

Chelsey Donn:

Don't know.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

It's like it's easier to be like they got the first down again than

Chelsey Donn:

Is that like she entered this relationship with this person?

Chelsey Donn:

Like, I'm not explaining this whole plot to you right

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

We're all guilty of the things we complain about, but

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Guess that is true.

Trey Gerrald:

Oh God,

Chelsey Donn:

still gonna complain.

Trey Gerrald:

I've never thought about that.

Chelsey Donn:

It's true.

Chelsey Donn:

It's okay.

Chelsey Donn:

'I can be both guilty and annoyed at the same

Trey Gerrald:

Are you also guilty of several episodes back throwing pee out of A' moving car.

Chelsey Donn:

That I've never done,

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

but I'm sure I've like probably inadvertently littered 'I.

Chelsey Donn:

Don't know,

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, 'I.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

No 'I agree.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Hear your Complaint.

Trey Gerrald:

It is so annoying, especially when it's like repeated over and over and 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

It's like, just stop.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Don't know you're affecting my experience in the movie.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

Yes, exactly.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

on the opposite end of this.

Trey Gerrald:

It is also annoying when like little kids turn into zombies and they can't

Trey Gerrald:

That's also

Chelsey Donn:

That is also annoying.

Chelsey Donn:

Been there too.

Chelsey Donn:

So that's my Complaint this week.

Chelsey Donn:

That was sort of fresh in my mind.

Chelsey Donn:

How about you Trey?

Chelsey Donn:

Have you been storing up A'?

Chelsey Donn:

Complaint for the spring?

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Actually I've had this for A' Little bit and 'I felt A' little self-conscious about sharing

Trey Gerrald:

'I have this pet peeve.

Trey Gerrald:

'I don't like it when people who are employed as professional Broadway performers, 'I don't like

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

It happens when it's like you're hanging out and you're friends and they're

Chelsey Donn:

is that A' thing that people say?

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, some.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I'm trying to break down the psychology of what 'I think.

Trey Gerrald:

It 'I like 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Think it's

Chelsey Donn:

Is it like when people go to Harvard and they're like, 'I went to college in Boston?

Trey Gerrald:

I've never met any idiot who went to an Ivy League school that didn't tell

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

heard anyone say, oh, 'I went to A' school in

Chelsey Donn:

Oh, that's the whole thing.

Chelsey Donn:

Trey, that's like A' widely known thing that like people that go to Harvard or whatever

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

maybe in California, but.

Trey Gerrald:

Where 'I am, it's like literally the same as being vegan.

Trey Gerrald:

How do you know if someone went to A' Ivy League school?

Trey Gerrald:

They're gonna tell you seven times in the conversation.

Chelsey Donn:

funny, interesting.

Chelsey Donn:

'I definitely most Okay,

Trey Gerrald:

That's actually A'.

Trey Gerrald:

That's also another Complaint of mine.

Chelsey Donn:

do you think the idea is if 'I say, I'm doing A' little skit, it

Chelsey Donn:

Not that it's gross to say that you're on Broadway, but like it feels less braggy.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

'I think that there's probably some psychology around like, when your friend group is

Chelsey Donn:

not there feel bad about themselves or something.

Trey Gerrald:

that's one.

Trey Gerrald:

Another one might also sort of be like to just sort of.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Minimize maybe, or be cutesy like 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Don't know.

Trey Gerrald:

It's just like it's A' thing.

Trey Gerrald:

A' and, and I'm gonna go there.

Trey Gerrald:

But 'I think it is sort of A' kind of A' thing about A' certain demographic

Trey Gerrald:

Conservatories where they have little inside clicky references and names and slogans

Trey Gerrald:

Lot of things, and one of them is gotta go do my skit.

Trey Gerrald:

Diva, go into the skit.

Chelsey Donn:

Michigan or something.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Don't know maybe

Trey Gerrald:

Any of them.

Chelsey Donn:

any of them.

Trey Gerrald:

It bothers me.

Trey Gerrald:

'I don't like it and 'I wanna call it out and I'm trying to 'I don't know if it's sour grapes, 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

It's just something about, something feels condescending, about belittling it.

Chelsey Donn:

Well, cuz 'I don't want.

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah cuz it feels like, it's like if you like, can't you just be like, gotta go do the show.

Chelsey Donn:

Or 'I wish 'I could stay, you know, 'I have to run to the theater.

Chelsey Donn:

'I feel like that is like less.

Chelsey Donn:

Gross 'I mean like gotta do the skit.

Chelsey Donn:

You know what 'I mean?

Chelsey Donn:

Like don't you think if you were with somebody and you were like out to dinner and they

Chelsey Donn:

That would be like less like yucky.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I'm trying to think like 'I wonder if 'I reversed

Chelsey Donn:

Or even if you're like, gotta go to work 'I guess.

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, but I'm, I'm thinking what if 'I reversed it and 'I like saw them in

Trey Gerrald:

Love the cute little skit, like 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Wonder how they would feel about that.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

And no 'I know that.

Trey Gerrald:

It's just like A' cutesy, like, oh, look at me like being like cutesy about how

Trey Gerrald:

But anyway, it's pet peeve.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Have it on my list.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Don't like it.

Trey Gerrald:

Don't call your Broadway show.

Trey Gerrald:

A' Sketch.

Chelsey Donn:

'I 'I, get it.

Chelsey Donn:

It's not A' skit.

Chelsey Donn:

There is something that's called A' skit.

Chelsey Donn:

Let's not demean the skit by making it this

Trey Gerrald:

Oh, 'I.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

'I just thought of another.

Trey Gerrald:

Okay, great.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I've literally thought of two complaints in this

Chelsey Donn:

Oh my God, I'm so happy for

Trey Gerrald:

so that's that.

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Chelsey Donn:

Okay, great.

Chelsey Donn:

Well, now that we've gotten those things off of our chest that are clearly bothering us

Trey Gerrald:

let's do it.


Review, That, Review.

Chelsey Donn:

As you know, we are your trusty review Queens.

Chelsey Donn:

We bring in reviews from the internet that we feel need to be inspected.

Trey Gerrald:

We read you A' review.

Trey Gerrald:

We break it down and then we rate the impact of that review on A' scale from zero to five crowns.

Trey Gerrald:

It's A' very regal process that ChelseyBD and 'I love to call.


Assess, That, Kvetch.

Chelsey Donn:

Love to call it that.

Chelsey Donn:

So, Trey, what have you brought in for us today?

Trey Gerrald:

'I have A' five star Amazon review,

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

and this actually came to me from something we talked about 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Believe it's episode 90, maybe it's it's A' Complaint that you brought in.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

When 'I was editing 'I, 'I was like, oh, maybe 'I should

Trey Gerrald:

So today I'm reading A' five star Amazon Review for A' female urination device,

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

female urinal, silicone funnel urine cups portable urinal

Trey Gerrald:

Not funeral.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Standing up to Pee Funnel, reusable women.

Trey Gerrald:

Pee funnel, outdoor activities, camping, fuchsia.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Love that.

Chelsey Donn:

It's fuchsia.


It's super coloristic A'.

Chelsey Donn:

Does it come in A'?

Chelsey Donn:

Lot of other colors as well.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, I'm gonna hold on that

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

and you'll see why.

Trey Gerrald:

So just so you know, this product has 16,539 reviews, and the average is 4.4 out of five.

Trey Gerrald:

Today's review is by Tiffany M five Star Review, written January 30th, 2023.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So recent.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

verified purchase and their subject is, works well, would buy again.

Trey Gerrald:

and here we are.

Trey Gerrald:

This is what Tiffany's five star opinion

Chelsey Donn:

All right,

Trey Gerrald:

the female urinal works like it says.

Trey Gerrald:

Here are the things 'I noticed.

Trey Gerrald:

One 'I really cupped it because 'I read A' review where she said, you need to make

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

You said Yucks.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

However, 'I Cupped too much.

Chelsey Donn:

Oh no.

Trey Gerrald:

and there was no airflow, so it starts to 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Guess Gasp for air the same way A' two liter bottle does when you dump it out too fast.

Trey Gerrald:

It like gulps.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

However, it still didn't spill and still worked.

Trey Gerrald:

'I just gave it A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Little layer at the top, not A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Problem the case.

Trey Gerrald:

'I just wish it was waterproof instead of resistant.

Trey Gerrald:

Not because 'I really need it to be because 'I run water through it to rinse

Trey Gerrald:

Three 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Wish it came in like A' olive or A' Green color.

Trey Gerrald:

So it doesn't stick out and grab attention behind A' Bush, you know, blend in

Trey Gerrald:

Overall, 'I would by again, and I'm very happy with it.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

This is hilarious.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Love that you tracked down this item for this review.

Chelsey Donn:

So funny, like 'I knew that this A', this like existed but never thought

Chelsey Donn:

So do we think that Tiffany is using this like while camping?

Trey Gerrald:

Very, very good question.

Trey Gerrald:

So it does show up as like the number one accessory for hiking and camping, and then it

Chelsey Donn:

Oh, okay.

Chelsey Donn:

And is it like collab, like what are those, like collapsible funnels.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

So basically the number two that they're talking about here, the case, it's basically like those

Trey Gerrald:

Like, it's like A' cheap little plastic that has the little cords that you cinch,

Chelsey Donn:

those are like velvet,

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

This is like cheap plastic.

Trey Gerrald:

This is like what you would get, like A'

Chelsey Donn:

It's like when you have one of those like coats that like fold into itself, you know?

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

That it's exactly like that.

Trey Gerrald:

And the funnel is like, they, it does full A' like, um, accordions.

Chelsey Donn:

yeah, yeah.

Trey Gerrald:

So it accordions into itself.

Trey Gerrald:

And then you flip it like A', like A' taco, like into

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

And then you can sort of scrunch that right taco and then you put it in the bag.

Trey Gerrald:

So, . Yeah.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

So the color question that you asked immediately, cuz this one is fuchsia

Trey Gerrald:

And literally there's five color options and one of them is green,

Chelsey Donn:

Oh, interesting.

Trey Gerrald:

but there are other companies, this is for specifically the Sun and A'

Trey Gerrald:

You know, they all look exactly the

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I'm sure they're all the same, the

Trey Gerrald:

And some of them are camo color, some of them are black.

Trey Gerrald:

They, Tiffany specifically bought this fuchsia color one, so

Chelsey Donn:

But maybe like at the time, A' purchase or whatever it was like only listed

Chelsey Donn:

I'm not sure.

Chelsey Donn:

But that is interesting that it does appear to be available.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

And like you were saying before, like you never thought to look this up, but you know

Trey Gerrald:

'I thought it was like A' joke thing.

Chelsey Donn:

No, it's definitely A' real product number one in its entirety.

Chelsey Donn:

Really funny, like had me like in stitches, like just the visual of it.

Chelsey Donn:

Like first of all it's like, all right, we did our research and we found

Chelsey Donn:

But then we like overplayed our hand, pun intended, and the like analogy of the soda bottle

Chelsey Donn:

Look, it just, oh my God.

Chelsey Donn:

So funny, so descriptive and interesting.

Chelsey Donn:

'I don't know, really liked almost the entirety of number one.

Trey Gerrald:

It occurs to me, this is gross, but 'I feel like 'I would be skived

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I'm just like, I'm not someone that's very good at like peeing outside or peeing in

Trey Gerrald:

but, so, but these are large, so they are like, the mouth is

Chelsey Donn:

Everything is right.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Interesting that this is A' five star review and we kind of did feel A', little bit complaining.

Chelsey Donn:

'I feel like with the, even like with the list, the things that we were pointing out.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

It's A' five star review, but you've structured your review as A' list

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So that's super interesting.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, so what do you think of that as like you, the Queen of the compliment sandwich.

Chelsey Donn:

'I do like it.

Chelsey Donn:

, you know, in A' way because 'I think that it makes me think that it's more realistic.

Chelsey Donn:

Like 'I don't, this could, I'm sure if you like did your digging through this product,

Chelsey Donn:

So 'I think it's good that it's A' five star review and it feels realistic.

Chelsey Donn:

So 'I like that, 'I just do think Totally.

Chelsey Donn:

It's interesting.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, you know, speaking.

Trey Gerrald:

Compliment sandwich.

Trey Gerrald:

This literally is the first sentence says it works.

Trey Gerrald:

Like it says, here are the things 'I noticed, like that fits on one line.

Trey Gerrald:

It doesn't even fill the whole line.

Trey Gerrald:

And then, Bullet 0.1 has five lines.

Trey Gerrald:

Two has two lines.

Trey Gerrald:

Three has three lines, and then it ends with one line saying overall 'I would bite again.

Trey Gerrald:

I'm very happy with it.

Trey Gerrald:

So it really is structured like A' sandwich, except it's like the triple burger,

Chelsey Donn:

going A', cat's deli and getting one

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

sandwiches with, with like two pounds of roast beef in the

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Where you're like, 'I will break my jaw trying to open my mouth.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

My mouth is gonna gulp like A' two liter A' bottle.

Chelsey Donn:

or like A'.

Chelsey Donn:

Two firmly pressed funnel.

Trey Gerrald:

So do you think there's any value, like do you think that

Chelsey Donn:

'I do.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

'I mean, again, the all of section one 'I think is interesting because it's

Chelsey Donn:

'I did my research.

Chelsey Donn:

This is what 'I was told to do.

Chelsey Donn:

Apparently 'I took the note too far.

Chelsey Donn:

So this is how 'I would've adjusted, right?

Chelsey Donn:

It's more like, Tiffany giving like just further user instructions.

Chelsey Donn:

'I think that's like kind of queenly new information because 'I would imagine that

Chelsey Donn:

There's A', little bit of A' learning curve.

Chelsey Donn:

Here was my.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

because everything other than saying 'I wish the case were, you know,

Chelsey Donn:

'I think like, those are like little things that didn't ultimately affect

Chelsey Donn:

So 'I think the item is working great.

Chelsey Donn:

The learning curve is the, is present, which 'I would imagine, like 'I would

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, 'I.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

See how that's true.

Trey Gerrald:

The case thing like 'I really am getting, and 'I did watch like A' video on the page.

Trey Gerrald:

That maybe is helping to inform me A' little bit better, but like 'I think because

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

that's why the bag is so cheap and then it's like thin vinyl, plastic or whatever.

Chelsey Donn:

Right, right,

Trey Gerrald:

sure, maybe that's water resistant or it's, but it's

Trey Gerrald:

It's like you're peeing through this, you're flushing it out with water from like your

Trey Gerrald:

So like you do, like, you don't wanna put A' damp thing into this bag and then put that bag

Trey Gerrald:

But the product is so cheap that like, you're not really going to, like,

Chelsey Donn:

It's not A' deal.

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah, it's not A' deal breaker, but it's just sort of like this was, 'I can imagine that

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

This to like your hiking backpack or something like that.

Chelsey Donn:

It might be like kind of weird that it's wet or A', little like uncomfortable,

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

'I mean?

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

They don't always do punctuation marks.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

but there's A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Lot of commas and A'.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So pretty good on the spelling and grammar and also like 'I do, even

Chelsey Donn:

Lists in negative reviews.

Chelsey Donn:

Although 'I guess they, they're in positive reviews too.

Chelsey Donn:

'I do like that as A' structure.

Chelsey Donn:

'I feel like it kind of keeps things organized.

Chelsey Donn:

So 'I think 'I sort of categorize that under spelling and grammar as well.

Chelsey Donn:

And 'I, 'I do believe, um, Tiffany 'I don't think there's any reason to doubt the truthfulness

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

'I believe.

Trey Gerrald:

'I believe Tiffany too.

Trey Gerrald:

And like as far as the like common fluke, typical, like the first sentence is it works like it says.

Trey Gerrald:

So then these are just like opinions, basically like, like the whole

Trey Gerrald:

Like 'I actually kind of think is actually useful, unique information here because you

Trey Gerrald:

Like 'I don't want

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Cuz when you first said fusion, the baby 'I was like, oh, cute.

Chelsey Donn:

And then I'm thinking like, oh, you're right.

Chelsey Donn:

Like if you're like in the middle of the woods trying to be like discreet or whatever

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Alert, you know.

Trey Gerrald:

But we're so programmed culturally that like the camo, I'm not gonna buy as

Trey Gerrald:

Like we're so programmed into the meaning

Chelsey Donn:

And even like 'I mean not to go there, but to go there short.

Chelsey Donn:

Like A', lot of vibrators for women.

Chelsey Donn:

It's like they're A' magenta, they're purple.

Chelsey Donn:

They're, you know, there is something about like when we, when we're getting involved

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

And this whole product, 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

'I mean it's called A', female Urinal.

Trey Gerrald:

So we don't need it to be

Chelsey Donn:

We don't need it to be.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

'I agree.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Think that is, you know, sort of interesting.

Chelsey Donn:

Uh, 'I was laughing.

Chelsey Donn:

'I mean, 'I thought it was funny.

Chelsey Donn:

'I thought the humor was there in an appropriate way that didn't feel like it

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

'I really 'I mean the, it's really like the gulping and the gasping,

Chelsey Donn:

The soda and the descriptive language and all that 'I enjoyed.

Trey Gerrald:

and the impact deal.

Trey Gerrald:

'I mean they, even Tiffany says they would, they would buy it again and they're happy with it, so.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Think the impact is like good 'I.

Chelsey Donn:

Think that it's maybe if somebody was like on the fence about whether or not

Chelsey Donn:

Just because it's like further, you know, letting you know how to properly use it.

Chelsey Donn:

If you're feeling A', little apprehensive.

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, 'I, but 'I feel A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Little bit like the impact of this review, even with just visually, it's like so much more about

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

it, the impact A' little bit is like, okay, but these are like the things that

Trey Gerrald:

Don't know.

Trey Gerrald:

It's very interesting

Chelsey Donn:

It just to, it's just tonally, 'I, think not what we're used to in A'.

Chelsey Donn:

One star review in A', sorry, in A' five star review.

Chelsey Donn:

But like 'I was saying, you know, with the compliment sandwich and all that

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Cuz sometimes when you have these reviews that are just lists and they're like, one, it's fantastic.

Chelsey Donn:

Two, it is great.

Chelsey Donn:

Three, it is fabulous, and four, get it now.

Chelsey Donn:

Like you're just like, this is not real, you know?

Chelsey Donn:

So the that impact for me is that even though there is A' part of it that feels like I'm

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

And they say it works.

Trey Gerrald:

Like it says, here are the things 'I noticed.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

So it isn't even necessarily here are through things 'I.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

and 'I think that that's true.

Chelsey Donn:

Like 'I, think A'.

Chelsey Donn:

Lot of products that 'I bought that 'I love or that I've learned to love.

Chelsey Donn:

It's like when 'I first use them, there is like, there's A' learning curve.

Chelsey Donn:

You're like, oh, when 'I first bought it, 'I was doing this.

Chelsey Donn:

Then 'I realized, don't do that.

Chelsey Donn:

Do this.

Chelsey Donn:

And then it's like the most amazing thing 'I ever had.

Trey Gerrald:

It's very similar to the St.

Trey Gerrald:

Patrick's day after show last week,

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

where it's like A' great, great product, but it just has these

Trey Gerrald:

One person found it

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah, and says something about Tiffany again, so many of these

Chelsey Donn:

You know, Tiffany's not gonna let these little things upset her.

Chelsey Donn:

She's just gonna move on with her life.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

And 'I also like the last little thing, like 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Wonder if Tiffany went on A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Little more about how it is good if then 'I would not believe like, like 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

It's almost sort of like the right, it is the right amount.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Like if Tiffany were to really be going to bat A' little harder 'I feel like,

Chelsey Donn:

Is this like planted

Trey Gerrald:

'I think 'I can crown.

Trey Gerrald:

Tiffany, what do

Chelsey Donn:

can crown.

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

So ChelseyBD and 'I each have our own set of zero to five crown cards.

Trey Gerrald:

In an effort to be fair and not influence one another, we will


The Queens are Tabulating to A' school.

Chelsey Donn:

Tree is deciding.

Chelsey Donn:

Okay, the Queens are unanimous.

Chelsey Donn:

Four and A' half crowns.

Chelsey Donn:

Four and A' half crowns.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Um, 'I really like this.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Trey, 'I really like Tiffany's tone.

Chelsey Donn:

Um, 'I like the way they come across as truthful as A' real person.

Chelsey Donn:

'I believe that they use the product, um, and had, you know, an actual experience with it.

Chelsey Donn:

They are not just throwing around flowery language for no reason.

Chelsey Donn:

They did their own research and now they're coming back with further information.

Chelsey Donn:

'I think that's pretty queenly.

Chelsey Donn:

Um, dunno why 'I didn't go A', full Review Queen to be.

Chelsey Donn:

But it felt like A' four and A' half Crown review to me.

Chelsey Donn:

So that's why 'I went with four and A' half.

Chelsey Donn:

How about you Trey?

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

You know, 'I really feel like this is, this really is Queen Lee 'I mean there,

Trey Gerrald:

Things that are detracting from the value that it, it is sort of puzzling

Trey Gerrald:

Just because that like it gurgled and bubbled liter bottle on Tiffany's vagina

Trey Gerrald:

You know what 'I, you know what 'I mean?

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

'I do know what you

Trey Gerrald:

like also like maybe 'I do want, maybe 'I am like weird

Chelsey Donn:

maybe one.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

No, I'm saying like maybe 'I want the fu shaan.

Trey Gerrald:

Like maybe I'm like pro woman.

Trey Gerrald:

Like fuck you, if you have an issue.

Trey Gerrald:

If you don't wanna see me over here standing up peeing, that's on you.

Trey Gerrald:

And like I'm inviting the discourse.

Trey Gerrald:

just because like Tiffany wants it like, like 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Feel like I'm definitely in Tiffany's boat, but I'm A'.

Trey Gerrald:

You know 'I don't know 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

'I think it's very queenly and 'I.

Trey Gerrald:

Also don't think Tiffany needed to include A' photo, but that always.

Trey Gerrald:

Like pushes it over the edge.

Trey Gerrald:

A' Little bit for me.

Trey Gerrald:

Um, 'I 'I, it's four and A' half cuz 'I think it's very well researched, very well

Trey Gerrald:

It's just, it felt like A' big man witch, sloppy Joe with very thin buns and A' overstuffed meat of

Trey Gerrald:

That made me feel unsettled at the end of the five star that I'm like.

Trey Gerrald:

So four and A' half.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

Very good review Trey.

Trey Gerrald:

Do you think that your female urinal is the right name for this product?

Trey Gerrald:

We didn't even talk about the obnoxious super cala.

Chelsey Donn:

'I mean 'I.

Chelsey Donn:

Don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

'I think that like the obnoxious super call of all of the Amazon products

Chelsey Donn:

We like, sometimes we don't know what to call it.

Chelsey Donn:

Like 'I needed, 'I bought A' ring and it was.

Chelsey Donn:

Too big and 'I was like, ring Resizer tight nerd.

Chelsey Donn:

You know what 'I mean?

Chelsey Donn:

And then like each one of the names said all those things.

Chelsey Donn:

So 'I can see somebody putting that into A' search.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Guess it is A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Female urinal.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

If 'I, try to visualize A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Female urinal.

Trey Gerrald:

That's this,

Chelsey Donn:

'I guess, right?

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

'I Don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

It's A' portable.

Chelsey Donn:

You 'I don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

It's an odd product.

Trey Gerrald:

Reusable woman.

Trey Gerrald:

P Funnel, not funeral.

Chelsey Donn:

then 'I, guess if you're selling this product and you don't write

Chelsey Donn:

'I don't know.

Trey Gerrald:

Hi Al.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

But that was cool.

Chelsey Donn:

That was A' fun review.

Chelsey Donn:

That was A' product that 'I like, like we were saying, new existed but

Chelsey Donn:

So good to know that people are using the product, it's working for them.

Chelsey Donn:

And that they're able to urinate in A' place that is not their car and

Chelsey Donn:

You know that there, there are people that, uh, cuz A', urinal,

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

It is A' funnel.

Trey Gerrald:

At the end of the day, you have to like, it has to go somewhere.

Chelsey Donn:

has to go somewhere.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

Gulp, gulp, gulp.

Trey Gerrald:

Gurgle, gurgle.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

My Queen, we have reached the most regal portion of our show.

Trey Gerrald:

ChelseyBD, who are you inducting for?

Trey Gerrald:



My Royal.

Chelsey Donn:

So happy that you asked Trey.

Chelsey Donn:

So finally my like late night scrolling of Instagram stories has paid off and 'I found

Chelsey Donn:

Have you ever heard of this?

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Okay, so it's A' very cool concept that 'I can't even really believe exists.

Chelsey Donn:

'I haven't tried it yet, so maybe it's A' little premature, but 'I think it's

Chelsey Donn:

So basically you get A' package on Amazon, and there's other companies

Chelsey Donn:

You take the items out of your Amazon box, then you fill your Amazon box with donation items

Chelsey Donn:

You go to this website, give

Chelsey Donn:

You can get A' free shipping label.

Chelsey Donn:

And then that those items will then be distributed and donated.

Chelsey Donn:

So it's giving A' new life to the shipment box, to the Amazon box that's probably just

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

And it's giving you an opportunity to donate like right from the comfort of your home.

Chelsey Donn:

You just put stuff in A' Box, you know, and ship it off.

Chelsey Donn:

And that's that.

Chelsey Donn:

And 'I just thought, that's so fascinating cuz you know we always get these Amazon packages.

Chelsey Donn:

'I have things right now downstairs.

Chelsey Donn:

that I've been meaning to bring to Goodwill and the idea that 'I can just go fill up

Chelsey Donn:

And so many brands are doing it now.

Chelsey Donn:

Overstock, 'I, 'I mentioned Amazon Loft, r e, 'I Levi's, Anne Taylor, Lego, Nordstrom.

Chelsey Donn:

Bed Bath and Beyond 'I mean.

Chelsey Donn:

There's just like so many companies that have now jumped on board with this

Chelsey Donn:

And 'I wanted to nominate give back box as My, Royal, Highness, and encourage all of us,

Chelsey Donn:

Using give back box and giving your items new life.

Chelsey Donn:

So give back

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Love that.

Trey Gerrald:

That's so smart.

Chelsey Donn:

Isn't that smart?

Chelsey Donn:

It's like, why didn't 'I think of that?

Chelsey Donn:

But it's great.

Trey Gerrald:

All right, well, we'll keep everyone updated and if you use it Queens, let us know.

Trey Gerrald:

Give back

Trey Gerrald:

Love it.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

All right, well we did A' Queen.

Trey Gerrald:

That's another round on the Argue A' Gurgling soda Pop RQ Ferris Wheel of Giving Back.

Chelsey Donn:

Yes, are you?

Chelsey Donn:

Thank you for joining us today.

Chelsey Donn:

If you like what you heard, please tell A' friend

Trey Gerrald:

If you didn't like what you heard, please tell an enemy.

Chelsey Donn:

to support the production of our show.

Chelsey Donn:

Visit Review That Review dot com slash donate where even A' $1 tip is much appreciated.

Trey Gerrald:

Join our mailing list at Review That Review dot com to stay up to

Chelsey Donn:

And hit up our voice mailbox.

Chelsey Donn:

1 8 50 review zero.

Chelsey Donn:

Have you used A' Female Urinal Funnel thingy?

Chelsey Donn:

Let us know.

Chelsey Donn:

You can also follow us on all the socials at the Review Queen.

Chelsey Donn:

'I am at ChelseyBD.

Trey Gerrald:

And 'I am at Trey Gerrald.

Chelsey Donn:

On today's after show podcast, we are reading and reviewing A' three star

Chelsey Donn:

Sketch, watercolor markers, scented, assorted, set of 12.

Trey Gerrald:

Ooh, are those little smelly

Chelsey Donn:

remember those that they used to sniff all the time?

Chelsey Donn:

'I used to smell them in elementary school sketch.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Sketch, 'I can see him in my mind's

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So to find out what made Trey say,

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

, did you ever speak Pig Latin And to find out what made ChelseyBD say

Chelsey Donn:

and don't, don't, don't use this as the preview.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Golly, buckaroo, honky donkey, Moy doy, puy woozy.

Trey Gerrald:

You gotta become A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Member of our Patreon.

Chelsey Donn:

'I, Daisy

Trey Gerrald:

Don't piddle yourself.

Chelsey Donn:

'I just

Trey Gerrald:

Unless you have A' female urinal over there, just become A' member of our Okay.

Trey Gerrald:

Become A' member of our Patreon.

Trey Gerrald:

It's over there at Review That Review dot com slash Patreon.

Trey Gerrald:

We say it A' lot.

Trey Gerrald:

Please join us.

Trey Gerrald:

If you haven't.

Trey Gerrald:

We would love to have you.

Trey Gerrald:

It's your access to hearing our weekly members-only after show companion podcast.

Trey Gerrald:

Plus, you get to watch us.

Trey Gerrald:

If that's something that's of interest to you, you get Patreon shout outs, you get A' load.

Trey Gerrald:

Full of bonuses, including merch discounts A', you know, you won't.

Trey Gerrald:

But um, in the meantime, please join our Patreon and remember

Chelsey Donn:

you're A' Queen.

Trey Gerrald:

GenOn specific Mopsy, Popsie Queen.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

Moy Popsi.


Review That Review.


As an independent podcast, certain names have been redacted or changed to protect the guilty


Our cover art was designed by LogoVora, and our theme song was written by Joe

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

Moy Popsi.

Trey Gerrald:

ChelseyBD, are you peeing right now?

Chelsey Donn:

listen, it wouldn't be the first time.

Chelsey Donn:

That's all I'll say about

Trey Gerrald:

Little Gurgles.

Chelsey Donn:

Oh my goodness.

Trey Gerrald:

Do you know that's from?

Chelsey Donn:

Little Gurgles.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

It's A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Sonim lyric

Chelsey Donn:

Uh, from which show?

Trey Gerrald:

and 'I.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

Mm, no.

Trey Gerrald:

Do you know what show has kids in it?

Trey Gerrald:

That's Sonim.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Guess A'.

Trey Gerrald:

Lot of them

Chelsey Donn:

in the park with George.

Chelsey Donn:

Does that Sunheim 'I don't know.

Trey Gerrald:

but into the woods.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Little Gurgles.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Little gurgles everywhere.

Trey Gerrald:

'I look.

Trey Gerrald:

'I can see them.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


About the Podcast

Show artwork for Review That Review with Chelsey & Trey
Review That Review with Chelsey & Trey
A comedy podcast dedicated to rating & reviewing online reviews!

About your hosts

Profile picture for Trey Gerrald

Trey Gerrald

Actor | Writer | Human-Person
Review Queen 👑
Profile picture for Chelsey Donn

Chelsey Donn

Actress | Comedian | Writer
Review Queen 👑