UA-198543153-1 40 - Review That Review with Chelsey and Trey

Episode 40

Episode 40: Mall of America - 1 vs. 5 Stars

The Queens compare conflicting reviews on the Mall of America in another 1 Star VERSUS 5 Star Special Episode! The Queens discuss catfishing and Chelsey is terrified of The Staircase and being hugged in the shower! Trey recommends the Sweet Bobby Podcast and wants more milk.

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(04:19) Lodge a Complaint!

(09:44) 5 Star Review

(25:58) Exclusive Offer

(27:00) Meryl-Go-Round

(31:36) 1 Star Review

(44:22) There's A Reply!

(45:36) SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!

(50:41) My Royal Highness

(55:58) On Today's After Show Pod

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Review That Review is an independent podcast.  Executive Produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with editing and sound design by Trey Gerrald.  Cover art designed by LogoVora, voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky, and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.

Mentioned in this episode:

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{} COMPLEMENTARY! {} Listen & WATCH this week's Member's Only After Show Podcast FOR FREE! We rate and review a 1 Star Trustpilot Review for the Williams Brice Stadium, try to talk sports, and Chelsey hears Fergie's EPIC National Anthem for the FIRST TIME EVER! This one is so good, it's our gift to you! Go to and enjoy!

After Show Podcast

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Hi, welcome to Review That Review!

Trey Gerrald:

The podcast dedicated to reviewing

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

We're just like Siskel and Ebert, only instead of reviewing cinematic masterpieces,

Trey Gerrald:

that's Chelsey Donn,

Chelsey Donn:

And that's Trey Gerrald.

Trey Gerrald:

and together we are.


The Review Queens!

Trey Gerrald:

To show you're supporting a bonus exclusive content, including

Trey Gerrald:

Visit our Patreon at

Trey Gerrald:

Hey Chelsey girl.

Trey Gerrald:

How's your week goin?

Chelsey Donn:

Trey, my week is going well.

Chelsey Donn:

I was a little bit late to the train I started and finished watching in a very short period of time.

Chelsey Donn:

The Tinder Swindler.

Chelsey Donn:

Have you seen it yet?

Trey Gerrald:

Oh, my God.

Trey Gerrald:

I just watched it over the weekend!

Chelsey Donn:

Oh, my God.

Chelsey Donn:

I was a half hour late to a meeting because I had to finish it.

Chelsey Donn:

Like, it was insane.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

It really, the, especially the ending.

Trey Gerrald:

I did not see coming.

Chelsey Donn:

Me too.

Chelsey Donn:

I was so upset.

Chelsey Donn:

I won't, we won't spoil it, I guess.

Chelsey Donn:

I mean, it's late now.

Chelsey Donn:

It's been out a while.

Chelsey Donn:

Like you should have seen it.

Trey Gerrald:

I never saw anything about the article either that it's like about or whatever.

Trey Gerrald:

But yeah, if you think you have an idea of like how that story is going to conclude,

Trey Gerrald:

There's all it reminded me.

Trey Gerrald:

There's this incredible podcast called Sweet Bobby.

Trey Gerrald:

Have you heard about it?

Chelsey Donn:

no, it's like a true crime thing.

Trey Gerrald:

No, it's a well, yes, but it's a catfish story and it's,

Chelsey Donn:

Does it follow like one narrative story or

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

And in the, I think it's maybe eight episodes, but like the journalist

Trey Gerrald:

this person had a 10 plus year relationship with this person, and we're going to go ahead and

Trey Gerrald:

It was like, crazy, crazy.

Trey Gerrald:

It's as if those women from Tinder swindler had a 10 plus year relationship where they

Trey Gerrald:

And then when you find out who the catfish is, I, it is like, I just got

Chelsey Donn:

I think I'm going to have to listen to

Trey Gerrald:

just got goosebumps.

Trey Gerrald:

Oh, it's really good.

Chelsey Donn:

You just get sucked into these stories.

Chelsey Donn:

I started sort of rewatching in the background and I had to stop, The Staircase

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

because I couldn't remember if I had watched it or not.

Chelsey Donn:

I had, but like, God, what a journey?

Trey Gerrald:

Did you see the new one?

Trey Gerrald:

Cause they do a second season, essentially like the last seven episodes.

Chelsey Donn:

Oh, I don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm not there.

Chelsey Donn:

So I guess, I guess I could watch the new one.

Chelsey Donn:

I mean the owl store, is it all about the owl thing?

Trey Gerrald:

No, I think it's a new, um, prosecution team or Like, I think

Trey Gerrald:

I forget.

Trey Gerrald:

I w um, but it's many years later

Chelsey Donn:

Oh my God.

Chelsey Donn:

So scary.

Chelsey Donn:

So many scary things in the world.

Chelsey Donn:

And I guess like, the world is scary.

Chelsey Donn:

Is that the conclusion

Trey Gerrald:

it has scary.

Chelsey Donn:

what's going on in your week in your life?

Chelsey Donn:

Tell us,

Trey Gerrald:

Well, I also watched tender swindler.

Trey Gerrald:

What else?

Trey Gerrald:

I don't know.

Trey Gerrald:

I have been feeling a little sense of emptiness since I've finished season two of cheer.

Chelsey Donn:

oh, I'm

Trey Gerrald:

wondering what's happening with my team and yeah.

Trey Gerrald:

You know, just hanging out.

Trey Gerrald:

It was actually pretty warm today, which is nice

Chelsey Donn:

Just like chugging along.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

To chill.

Chelsey Donn:

I really shouldn't complain, but I'm gonna, you know what I

Trey Gerrald:

Ha do it.

Trey Gerrald:

I want to hear Chelsey.

Trey Gerrald:

What is it that you want to


Lodge A Complaint.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So I don't know if it has anything to do with like heat or ions or what happens, but you know, when

Chelsey Donn:

And you're fighting this liner and you're trying to get clean.

Chelsey Donn:

And I'm like very OCD.

Chelsey Donn:

So I'm like, I change it and I wash it or whatever, but like still y'all

Chelsey Donn:

And it's just weird to me.

Chelsey Donn:

Cause it doesn't happen all the time when it happens.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm like, I don't know why you're so obsessed with me, but like get off, you know, why?

Chelsey Donn:

Does this happen to you?

Trey Gerrald:

Well, I actually don't have a shower, curtain, shower

Trey Gerrald:

When you feel like it's just clinging on no one wants to Clinger.

Chelsey Donn:

back off.

Chelsey Donn:

So anyway, I wanted a Lodge, A Complaint.

Chelsey Donn:

I really hope that the shower liner can hear me because it's not far away

Chelsey Donn:

And also listeners, if you have any tips, like, what am I supposed to do?

Chelsey Donn:

Like, is there a trick for this?

Chelsey Donn:

I don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

I haven't scoured Tik TOK.

Chelsey Donn:

Am I supposed to spray it with like hairspray or something?

Chelsey Donn:

If you know how to get it to.

Chelsey Donn:

Please do let me know.

Trey Gerrald:

What about those shower, curtain, rods that are like slightly poking outward.

Trey Gerrald:

Do you know, we're talking they pivot out instead of a straight line.

Trey Gerrald:

They're like a semicircle away from the shower,

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I could look into

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

about you?

Chelsey Donn:

Try give us your complaint, lay it on us.

Trey Gerrald:

Uh, all right, well, today I want to lodge a complaint against an

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

It's one of those things where it's like, there is no substitute.

Trey Gerrald:

Like you can't fill it with water.

Trey Gerrald:

Like a cereal bowl full of water is...

Trey Gerrald:

that's not cereal.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

there, you can't put anything else.

Trey Gerrald:

So then you're just sort of like, well, I can't eat this bowl of

Trey Gerrald:

Has that ever happened to you?

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah, it has.

Chelsey Donn:

And I'll say I proceeded to eat the cereal.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I w I was like, not happy about it, but I just, I eat it mostly dry.

Trey Gerrald:

and crunchy and hard.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

I've become a little OCD about it, because like now with Costco

Trey Gerrald:

And so I buy like two containers at a time, which is like 12 gallons

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Because you to have the backup milk.

Chelsey Donn:

You need the backup milk.

Trey Gerrald:

Because that, it really is upsetting.

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah, it is upsetting.

Chelsey Donn:

So I, I feel you, I, I hate that the ratio of the milk to the cereal

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Shall we maybe enter into some other territory that kind of makes me a little bit nervous, maybe.

Chelsey Donn:

I don't know, like reviewing other people's online reviews and hoping that

Trey Gerrald:

I think so.

Trey Gerrald:

I think Chelsey it's time for you and I to go head-to-head as we.


Assess That Kvetch.

Trey Gerrald:

So today is another verses episode and we are going to cover both

Chelsey Donn:

That's right.

Chelsey Donn:

Get your MasterCards and visas ready.

Chelsey Donn:

This another versus episode!

Chelsey Donn:

Trey selected the one star, and I selected the five star.

Chelsey Donn:

So to determine who reads first, we got to flip that quota.

Chelsey Donn:

I feel like you need to guess this time.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

All right.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm gonna let you guys

Trey Gerrald:

I'm going to say tails

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

it's heads.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So what that means I go first, right?

Trey Gerrald:

we're going to hear the five star first!.

Chelsey Donn:

my Oh my goodness.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

So a little background on what the Mall of America is.

Trey Gerrald:

I know Chelsey has been, I have never been, but the Mall of America is one of the

Trey Gerrald:

The Mall welcomes more than 40 million visitors a year from around the world to enjoy over 520.

Trey Gerrald:

Retail and specialty stores, plus over 50 unique dining and entertainment attractions,

Trey Gerrald:

That's what I think of when I think of Mall of America.

Trey Gerrald:

They also, I thought this was interesting.

Trey Gerrald:

The Mall of America hosts more than 400 events every year, which has made the Mall.

Trey Gerrald:

A place where fans can meet and greet with their favorite celebrities or take part

Trey Gerrald:

So presently at the time of this recording, there are 5,893 reviews for the Mall of America on

Trey Gerrald:

One star reviews.

Trey Gerrald:

So let's get this versus battles started.


Review That Review.

Chelsey Donn:

All right.

Chelsey Donn:

It is about to be Mall Madness up in here.

Chelsey Donn:

You know what I mean?

Chelsey Donn:

Because we are getting started with a crazy five-star review.

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah, I know Jay, you referenced TripAdvisor, but I actually pulled this Review!

Chelsey Donn:

from Yelp.

Chelsey Donn:

My Review!

Chelsey Donn:

is written by an elite Review!

Chelsey Donn:

or when you know it, the elite reviewers name is Fox E.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Capital E?

Chelsey Donn:

Capital E.

Chelsey Donn:

All right.

Chelsey Donn:

There's okay.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm just gonna, just gonna dive right in.

Chelsey Donn:

Here we go.

Chelsey Donn:

Not to be confused with an arrogant American man, male of America, with

Chelsey Donn:

And an unimpressive trouser snake.

Chelsey Donn:

Small of America.

Chelsey Donn:

The Mall of America has sacred and distant memories for me from when I first visited

Chelsey Donn:

I also may or may not have fornicated with a very wild and adventurous girlfriend on

Chelsey Donn:

I also may or may not have four dedicated with a very wild and adventurous girlfriend on the

Chelsey Donn:

She wasn't even in her teens yet at that time gasp, but let's move on to the modern times,

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

not to be confused with a drug smuggler mule of America, looking for dinner?

Chelsey Donn:

Meal of America and to fight brawl of America,

Trey Gerrald:

Oh, my God.

Chelsey Donn:

it has four levels that I know of.

Chelsey Donn:

It needs to get on my level and probably a lot more, but it also incredibly

Chelsey Donn:

Any one of these levels by itself would be one of the biggest Malls around.

Chelsey Donn:

So we're not talking about a structure that is more tall than it is wide or long.

Chelsey Donn:

It's insanely wide and long.

Chelsey Donn:

Like my ego,

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

to the extent that walking around any one of the levels will take a

Chelsey Donn:

Not to be confused with a breaking bad spinoff, better call Saul of America, a

Chelsey Donn:

So basically what I am saying.

Chelsey Donn:

It's the scale of this thing is absolutely enormous.

Chelsey Donn:

It can't really be described.

Chelsey Donn:

It's not just the biggest Mall I've ever been to.

Chelsey Donn:

It's bigger than the next 10 Malls I've ever been to.

Chelsey Donn:

And don't get me started on all the amusement rides and rollercoasters that exist here.

Chelsey Donn:

I guess this is what America is all.

Chelsey Donn:

It's incredibly fun to wander around.

Chelsey Donn:

And I think it's probably the most ambitious Mall on earth.

Chelsey Donn:

Not to be confused with my girlfriend, doll of America

Trey Gerrald:

Oh my

Chelsey Donn:

who likes to crush things under her pleasures balls of America.

Chelsey Donn:

Make guys come over to her on their hands and knees crawl of America.

Chelsey Donn:

And physically dominate people for lots of money Maul of America.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

I, yes, that's it.

Chelsey Donn:

That was my, that was my to reading it.

Chelsey Donn:

Like, I don't even know what device Fox E was using here.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Is that a, it's not a pun cause you're just changing.

Trey Gerrald:

Is that, what is that?

Trey Gerrald:

Word play?

Chelsey Donn:

It's annoying.

Chelsey Donn:

Like, I feel like based on this Review!

Chelsey Donn:

at all, they should revoke Fox E's elite status.

Trey Gerrald:

they're elite.

Chelsey Donn:

They are elite.

Chelsey Donn:

Isn't that insane?

Trey Gerrald:

I do think that, that, do you think FOC, first of all,

Chelsey Donn:

what is the Review!?

Trey Gerrald:

I guess I'm sexist, but I just assumed that Fox E would not be a straight man.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Maybe I should have mentioned that.

Chelsey Donn:

So again, it's really funny Fox E's photograph kind of reminds me of Bruce has,

Trey Gerrald:

Is there a glamor shots in the Mall of America, do those even exist anymore?

Chelsey Donn:

I think they do some places.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I'm just really confused by all of that, because like, I, for a while there, I thought

Trey Gerrald:

So I also felt like constantly saying, it's not this.

Trey Gerrald:

It's not that It's not made me think like, wait, this is a,

Trey Gerrald:

five-star review.

Trey Gerrald:

Until we sort of got to the end where it was like, this is the biggest Mall I've ever seen.

Trey Gerrald:

It's the biggest and the last 10 I've ever seen.

Trey Gerrald:

So then I was like, okay.

Trey Gerrald:

So like there, but all.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

I was very confused.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

When they use the word fornication on the stair steps, D did, did they then go in to

Chelsey Donn:

like there were so many bad jokes in here.

Chelsey Donn:

It was hard for me to like, even try to deliver them all.

Chelsey Donn:

So completely valid that you were confused.

Chelsey Donn:

They were saying something along the lines of like the girlfriend was not Barbie.

Chelsey Donn:

Like the Barbie doll, I guess.

Chelsey Donn:

And that Barbie wasn't even in her teens yet at the time gasp, what is that?

Chelsey Donn:

I, is that a joke about 20 years?

Chelsey Donn:

Like is the Barbie 35 years old now?

Chelsey Donn:

Like, I don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

It's just,

Trey Gerrald:

because it wasn't Barbie invented in the fifties.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I have no idea.

Chelsey Donn:

I have no idea what they're getting at with that amongst other things

Trey Gerrald:

a lot of sex in this.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

so much

Trey Gerrald:

the trouser I've never heard that phrase, but that's hilarious.

Chelsey Donn:

I actually had to look it up.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm not even going to lie.

Chelsey Donn:

Cause I was like sMall.

Chelsey Donn:

I was like sMall of an, of America.

Chelsey Donn:

Like what does that even mean?

Chelsey Donn:

And then when I looked up trousers, snake and found out that it was like, you know,

Trey Gerrald:

But then even a few sentences later where they say.

Trey Gerrald:

Long and wide, like my, does it, dot ego.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Why is, why is Fox east so obsessed with talking about their penis size on this Review!

Chelsey Donn:

Well, to be fair there, their name is Foxy.

Trey Gerrald:

to foxes have big penises.

Chelsey Donn:

No, like the word Foxy Fox, Y like

Trey Gerrald:

I never, Fox E F O

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

But I feel like with, with all the ponds that are happening in this stupid, I'm

Chelsey Donn:

Foxy named himself Foxy for a reason.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, do you think that Fox is his parents named them Fox or

Chelsey Donn:

I think this is a username exclusively.

Trey Gerrald:

I don't think I know anyone named Fox that

Chelsey Donn:

mean, I don't hate the name.

Chelsey Donn:

Like again, like it's not a bad name, but like when your username is Foxy and then like

Chelsey Donn:

because I was like, there's really no value here in terms of.

Chelsey Donn:

Oh, let me hear about why this is a good Mall to go to or a good place

Chelsey Donn:

It's really just a very strange personal narrative essay.

Chelsey Donn:

So I don't know, I almost didn't bring it in, but then I was like, it's so ridiculous.

Chelsey Donn:

He's so ridiculous.

Chelsey Donn:

We need to talk about it.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, it, it, I, yes, I agree.

Trey Gerrald:

There is no value in this review other than recognizing that you could maybe, or main be,

Trey Gerrald:

And I don't know.

Trey Gerrald:

That's like, I, you know, maybe that's exclusive to this.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

what is Fox ease, spelling, and grammar.

Chelsey Donn:

they did have one mistake, which I read

Trey Gerrald:

So that makes me even more uncomfortable that they did.

Trey Gerrald:

Like, they like reviewed this before they hit submit, because it doesn't make any sense.

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah, no Fox E clearly read.

Chelsey Donn:

Did rewrites maybe Googled for some more puns, maybe did a little focus

Chelsey Donn:

Like I dunno, like there was a lot of effort put in this Review!

Chelsey Donn:

and I think the thing that makes me.

Chelsey Donn:

Angry about it is it's so transparent.

Chelsey Donn:

I understand that like clearly this entire podcast is based on online reviews.

Chelsey Donn:

And I understand that there's like a whole Nisha people like us who like to read these

Chelsey Donn:

Like he'll get the most, I mean, there were 25 people that found it funny.

Chelsey Donn:

39 people who found it useful.

Chelsey Donn:

And third 33 people who found it.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Those numbers are like a little bit disturbing, but like, I dunno.

Chelsey Donn:

I just thought he was trying so hard and it got so old so quickly.

Chelsey Donn:

The joke.

Trey Gerrald:

It makes me feel like Fox.

Trey Gerrald:

He even says, get on my level.

Trey Gerrald:

I don't even know.

Trey Gerrald:

I don't know What I don't know what the level?

Trey Gerrald:

like, I don't even understand where this Review!

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Like, I don't even know what was said to me other than like, how can I rhyme the word mall?

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I was going to say.

Chelsey Donn:

I don't think there's anything truthful in this.

Chelsey Donn:

Like, I don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

I don't know, like, I don't even know if Foxy has a girlfriend or not.

Chelsey Donn:

I don't know if before in a candid or not, like I don't, I don't trust Fox E here.

Chelsey Donn:

And it also has nothing to do with Mall of America.

Chelsey Donn:

Like, I'm glad they had one sMall paragraph where they were like, it's

Chelsey Donn:

like something you got to go to.

Chelsey Donn:

But other than that, why are you here?

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Why are you here?

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, because now I'm not sure, like, I don't even

Trey Gerrald:

Cause it it's so incoherent.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Like, w what do you think of the, like, is that a thing, like, is that a writing style

Chelsey Donn:

So like, like in between sandwiched in between every single paragraph

Trey Gerrald:

uh, oh, they're all parents medical.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Almost the definitions are written in medicals.

Chelsey Donn:

Like we're separating it from the, we're using it as like a border for each one of our paragraphs.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

They attach 10 photos.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

All just of the Mall.

Chelsey Donn:

Like nothing like weird.

Chelsey Donn:

That's how I feel like Foxy hacked the system or something

Trey Gerrald:

They're like, yeah.

Chelsey Donn:

You know, like, I feel like Yelp must have a thing because they obviously can't

Chelsey Donn:

Um, yeah.

Chelsey Donn:

Uh, obviously they can spend all their time doing that.

Chelsey Donn:

So they maybe have some sort of algorithm where it's like, if you're

Chelsey Donn:

Amount of length with, you know, this many photos attached, you would think,

Chelsey Donn:

Maybe this is a Review!

Chelsey Donn:

that I want to read.

Chelsey Donn:

Like it does like draw you in if you're not actually looking at the words.

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, but then it's even like, they did put a lot of effort

Trey Gerrald:

Like was this just to fill their quota in order to become a lead.

Chelsey Donn:

I think so.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

But it still is very detailed.

Trey Gerrald:

I mean, I think this is totally like an atypical experience.

Trey Gerrald:

Cause I don't even understand like, unless maybe people hook up there.

Trey Gerrald:

I think like people always like to hold hands, like at the Mall, that's like a thing or it

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

but like I was not entertained by this.

Trey Gerrald:

I was annoyed by that.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I was immediate.

Chelsey Donn:

I was immediately, so.

Chelsey Donn:

Annoyed by Foxy.

Chelsey Donn:

I was not into it at all.

Chelsey Donn:

I didn't think it was funny.

Chelsey Donn:

In fact, when I was reading it I'll be honest.

Chelsey Donn:

I was getting like flashbacks to being really bad, open mikes in LA when we would

Chelsey Donn:

And you're just Ugh, please get off the stage.

Chelsey Donn:

Like I don't, I can't listen to this.

Chelsey Donn:

Is there anything else to say?

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Is there like any impact about the Mall of America for you on this?

Chelsey Donn:

No, that's what I'm left with is like, why do I care

Trey Gerrald:

I think I can crown Fox E.

Chelsey Donn:

me too?

Chelsey Donn:

Let's do it.

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

So Chelsey and I each have our own set of one to five crown cards and an effort

Trey Gerrald:

We will simultaneously reveal our rating.


The Queens are Tabulating.

Chelsey Donn:

Have crown half crown.

Chelsey Donn:

That's what I figured.

Chelsey Donn:

All right.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Let us know why you gave Fox E a half crown.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, you know, we have beginning with Natalie's episode, we have

Trey Gerrald:

I said half crown because at least they have like a Saurus and like a dictionary.

Trey Gerrald:

Like they have a rhyming dictionary, like, don't know.

Trey Gerrald:

There's part of me that has just completely turned off.

Trey Gerrald:

I feel like they did cheat the ELP system to like write a bunch of reviews, possibly.

Trey Gerrald:

Like that's all, you know, speculation, but I don't know, half crown because I

Trey Gerrald:

I, not that that's something I want, but I'm saying that's the

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I mean, Uh, Fox.

Trey Gerrald:

He also, and I feel like it made me check.

Trey Gerrald:

Why do I think that Foxy is a word only use to describe females?

Trey Gerrald:

I appreciate that He is a male and they're taking

Chelsey Donn:

Quite Foxy.

Trey Gerrald:

Fox II.

Trey Gerrald:

So that's why I said half crown.

Trey Gerrald:

Why did you say.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I mean, I, I really toiled in my mind with going with a zero crown here.

Chelsey Donn:

I did the half crown because.

Chelsey Donn:

I mean, maybe this is a dumb reason, but there were clearly some people that

Chelsey Donn:

And for that reason, I threw them a half crown because there was some attempted

Chelsey Donn:

So I obviously couldn't give them more than a half crime.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Oh my gosh.

Trey Gerrald:

What a weird fines.

Trey Gerrald:

Good job.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Like vault.

Trey Gerrald:

All right, let's take a quick break.

Trey Gerrald:

And when we come back, we will here flip side of this.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:



We'll be right back.

Trey Gerrald:

it's game time, right?

Trey Gerrald:

Chelsey let's strap ourselves in to this rotating ride and get ready

Trey Gerrald:

' VOICEOVER: I don't feel like an icon.

Trey Gerrald:

Most of the days, I feel like

Chelsey Donn:

here's the deal.

Chelsey Donn:

Trey and I have each picked a rotten scathing, pithy One-Star-Zinger and with 30 seconds on

Trey Gerrald:

just like queen Meryl Streep, who does it

Chelsey Donn:

before the clock runs out.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I have a One-Star-Zinger from party city,

Chelsey Donn:

Your fav.

Trey Gerrald:

and this is for the air horn can!.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Is that like those things that are like,

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

it's like the can of like, "AHHHHHHHHH" and you know

Chelsey Donn:

it's just like a loud, a siren sound kind of

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

So this subject is not working and the Review!

Trey Gerrald:

from Chino is didn't make sound.

Chelsey Donn:

What a disappointment.

Trey Gerrald:

Didn't make period.

Trey Gerrald:

And then sound is capitalized.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Thank you for clarifying.

Trey Gerrald:

As I love with party city reviews.

Trey Gerrald:

There's a bottom line and I guess you select some options and it says, no,

Chelsey Donn:

I wouldn't either.

Chelsey Donn:

I mean, the whole point of the thing is to make sound.

Chelsey Donn:

All right, try.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm going to strap you into a megaphone so that you can shout your way around this Meryl-Go-Round

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:



Three, Two, One, GO!.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Did it make sound?

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Did it make sound,

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

does that make sound,

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

did it make sound

Chelsey Donn:

TLC reality.

Trey Gerrald:

Mike Shane?

Chelsey Donn:

Opera adult film


That's All!

Chelsey Donn:

I'm giving you opera diva,

Trey Gerrald:

Thank you.

Chelsey Donn:

because I so enjoy how much you do that.

Chelsey Donn:

That was like frigging to me.

Chelsey Donn:

That was definitely I think your best ever try.

Chelsey Donn:

Hold on seven.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Chelsey Donn:

I think that's a tie for your best.

Trey Gerrald:

done seven before, but

Chelsey Donn:

but like that was great.

Chelsey Donn:

That was a really good round.

Chelsey Donn:

You should give yourself a pat on the back.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

You're welcome.

Trey Gerrald:

is your zinger today?

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So today my zinger, I just kept with the Mall theme and I went with auntie Anne's pretzels.

Chelsey Donn:

I don't know if like Mall was an auntie Anne's or a Wetzels pretzels, but ours decidedly.

Chelsey Donn:

Any ans this review is written by a Susanna I, and it's a one-star review and it says

Chelsey Donn:

So sad.

Chelsey Donn:

I never thought you could get food poisoning from a pretzel.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

I literally going to say that, like, what is it?

Trey Gerrald:

Bad Dough?

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I guess eggs in the DOE were bad.

Chelsey Donn:

I don't know, but it's, I'm sorry, Susanna.

Chelsey Donn:

I hate that

Trey Gerrald:

poor Susanna.

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, and this case Chelsey, I'm going to strap you into Shappy.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Oh my goodness.

Chelsey Donn:

Our, one of our, uh, Royal Highness.

Chelsey Donn:

Good idea.

Trey Gerrald:

Are you ready?

Chelsey Donn:

Got a stretch.

Chelsey Donn:

Yes, I am ready.


Three, Two, One, GO!.

Chelsey Donn:

I food poisoning location

Trey Gerrald:

game show

Chelsey Donn:

I got

Trey Gerrald:

magic show

Chelsey Donn:

I got food poisoning from this location.

Trey Gerrald:

teen drama.

Trey Gerrald:

Courtroom drama.

Chelsey Donn:

I got food poisoning from this location.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

I got food poisoning from this location.


That's all!

Trey Gerrald:

You got six diva.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

You won.

Chelsey Donn:

Take your bow Quinn.

Chelsey Donn:

Thank you.

Chelsey Donn:

Thank you.

Chelsey Donn:

Thank you.

Trey Gerrald:

Thank you.

Trey Gerrald:

Thank you.

Trey Gerrald:

Thank you.

Trey Gerrald:

Thank you.

Trey Gerrald:

Oh, thank you.

Trey Gerrald:

Thank you.

Trey Gerrald:

Thank you.

Trey Gerrald:

Thank you.


Review That Review.

Chelsey Donn:

Oh, right.

Chelsey Donn:

We are back from that rousing game break.

Chelsey Donn:

Got to say it.

Chelsey Donn:

And it is your turn.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I can't wait to hear the flip side of this even.

Chelsey Donn:

I mean, if we can call it a flip side, I don't even know what that side was, but

Chelsey Donn:

So what are you, what have you got for us?

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

So today I have a one-star review from TripAdvisor for Mall of America written by, Okay.

Trey Gerrald:

This is, um, all lower case.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

And The image I think is like, did like Han solo have a D there there's some older

Trey Gerrald:

movie, Star wars or star wars, or

Chelsey Donn:

star wars.

Chelsey Donn:

I was like going to my right or you wrong?

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

so I know that this image is that person, but this is OB rat Kenobi.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

So OB rat Kenobi's one star review subject is I'd rather be mauled, M a U L E D,

Chelsey Donn:

We're just punning and punting and whatever, all over the place.

Trey Gerrald:

which was the last pun of Vox ease.

Trey Gerrald:

So very interesting.

Trey Gerrald:

The subject has, I'd rather be mauled

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

dot, dot, dot by bears than go here again.

Trey Gerrald:

Total disclosure.

Trey Gerrald:

I hate shopping and an engineer and don't understand the logic behind these places.

Trey Gerrald:

I pick something up.

Trey Gerrald:

Check Amazon realized the Mall is 100% or more than Amazon prime price shipped to my door.

Trey Gerrald:

Put item down and repeat this process until I leave.

Trey Gerrald:

I get it.

Trey Gerrald:

The social aspect.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

maybe, but don't buy anything.

Trey Gerrald:

We got some swatch watches that was more of an experience than Amazon, I suppose.

Trey Gerrald:

My daughter designed one.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I am told, I asked a bar slash restaurant.

Trey Gerrald:

If I could walk around with a beer.

Trey Gerrald:

Nope, come on, MN!

Trey Gerrald:

Think us, us guys.

Trey Gerrald:

You put a theme park in there, but adults can't have a beverage while

Trey Gerrald:

I was here in 80 degree weather.

Trey Gerrald:

Suppose in December, I would give it two stars for the heater.

Trey Gerrald:

Go to a park, go to a museum, go to a bar, go to your grandparents' house.

Trey Gerrald:

Don't go here.

Chelsey Donn:

All right.

Chelsey Donn:

Obi rat Kenobi.

Chelsey Donn:

I smell a rat.

Chelsey Donn:

I mean, it's one of those reviews where it's like, if you hate shopping,

Chelsey Donn:

You can kind of peripherally understand why somebody would find going to a Mall

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Why are you a part of the conversation on the TripAdvisor?

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, it's bizarre also, like I think that some of the value here is the

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah, it's so weird to me.

Chelsey Donn:

Like as soon as you, you know, was sorta like mad about it, and then you said the engineer

Chelsey Donn:

Maybe they're going to about how do you get an entire amusement park indoors in this structure?

Chelsey Donn:

Another thing which I thought was interesting as they said that if they went

Chelsey Donn:

I don't know if they're talking about this, but I read in, in a few of my reviews that one of

Chelsey Donn:

They use, like, I know they use some sort of like something with their roof

Chelsey Donn:

And then they also rely on the body heat of the people in the Mall itself to heat the structure.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So I thought it was interesting and odd that they brought up the heater

Trey Gerrald:

well also, do you think that this person works at Amazon now that

Chelsey Donn:

Amazon heavy.

Chelsey Donn:

Amazon doesn't need any help.

Chelsey Donn:

You know what I mean?

Chelsey Donn:

We all, we all get it.

Chelsey Donn:

Like we know Amazon is killing the Mall.

Chelsey Donn:

There's no question about it.

Chelsey Donn:

Look around America.

Chelsey Donn:

I mean the Malls are all closing down.

Chelsey Donn:

The Mall of America is staying open because it is, as you said in the beginning, more

Chelsey Donn:

So I, I would think that if any of the Malls in America were to stay open, it

Chelsey Donn:

For that reason.

Chelsey Donn:

So Amazon doesn't need any help from.

Chelsey Donn:

OB rat Kenobi here.

Chelsey Donn:

And OB rat Kenobi is also not making a point that we don't already know.

Chelsey Donn:

We know we can buy it on Amazon, you know, so if we're coming to this review page, we're coming

Chelsey Donn:

So I think that some of the other facts, which I still think are weird, like why would you think.

Chelsey Donn:

Open alcohol in a place where there are kids running around.

Chelsey Donn:

Why was that?

Chelsey Donn:

So perplexing to OB rat Kenobi?

Trey Gerrald:

Also just going into spelling And grammar here.

Trey Gerrald:

It was interesting to me that of the four times they say the word Amazon it's never capitalized.

Trey Gerrald:

And then it says, I asked a bar lowercase B slash upper case, R restaurant.

Trey Gerrald:

So that's weird.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

So all the spelling is, is pretty much right.

Trey Gerrald:

There's just the one, like typo where it says, think us, us.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I think it was supposed to be, Think of us guys.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

of us guys.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I mean, what about the whole like, Hey, so he took his daughter to the swatch store.

Chelsey Donn:

She made her own custom watch, which I think is pretty cool, especially for a kid.

Chelsey Donn:

Like, I I'm sure if I was a kid, I would think it would be cool and fun to design my own watch.

Chelsey Donn:

So why, why is it cool?

Chelsey Donn:

I am told like

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, there is this little, like a place place of judgment and this whole Review!

Trey Gerrald:

I get it.

Trey Gerrald:

it's the social aspect.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

No, it is the social aspect just because you don't like it doesn't

Chelsey Donn:

That's getting it.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm sure it is cool.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So why are we calling into dispute also, you know, major, major pet peeve of mine.

Chelsey Donn:

I hate when any reviewer like OB rat Kenobi did at the end of this is going to tell

Chelsey Donn:

Go to a park, your grandma's.

Chelsey Donn:

You know, go to a bar, like, why are you telling people what it is that they should do?

Chelsey Donn:

If you're going to write a review, that's going to be one star about this location.

Chelsey Donn:

Tell me that everything there is overpriced, you know, tell me that they're hiking up the

Chelsey Donn:

Overhead is high.

Chelsey Donn:

You know what I mean?

Chelsey Donn:

Like fine.

Chelsey Donn:

That, that would be one thing that I'm going to consider.

Chelsey Donn:

Maybe I'm going to do more window shopping when I get there.

Chelsey Donn:

But other than, than that, which I don't even know if their prices are

Chelsey Donn:

What information am I getting here?

Chelsey Donn:

And why are you giving it one star?

Trey Gerrald:

Also like go to a park.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

There is multiple theme parks inside of the sMall, so that's a park.

Trey Gerrald:

And then also go to a bar.

Trey Gerrald:

You just said you went to a bar at the Mall of America.

Trey Gerrald:

So real.

Trey Gerrald:

I mean, I think they're being shady because they're just like,

Trey Gerrald:

Like don't go shop at them all shop online.

Chelsey Donn:

I, yeah.

Chelsey Donn:

I just think there's no universal impact here.

Chelsey Donn:

the, the thesis statement is if you don't like Malls, don't go to Mall of America.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

So then do you think this is a typical or common experience?

Trey Gerrald:

I feel like if you know that you hate shopping, but then I guess lot of

Chelsey Donn:

I guess so, but then if you're dragged along, it's like, if you're somebody

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I'm not going to leave a negative review about a

Chelsey Donn:

yeah, you're going to be quote unquote dragged along, but you're

Chelsey Donn:

So I guess people like art, but I hate it.

Chelsey Donn:

Like you're not going to do that.

Chelsey Donn:

And that's.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

There's no value

Chelsey Donn:

I mean, clearly there was an attempted humor.

Chelsey Donn:

Who are you trying to get out of here?

Chelsey Donn:

Are you trying to get at the other husbands, you know, have wives are going to be dragged

Chelsey Donn:

Also, have we ever had a Review!

Chelsey Donn:

before that started with a and how do we start feel with a Review!

Chelsey Donn:

starting with a

Chelsey Donn:

I know that it's a continuation of the title, but.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, I think in theory, I hate it, But, when you are looking

Trey Gerrald:

Like that's the only like humor point for me is that before hearing Fox ease and

Trey Gerrald:

When I read this, I, thought I'd rather be mauled.

Trey Gerrald:

Then the review was dieted up by bears.

Trey Gerrald:

Like I thought that was actually very funny, then that feels like that was written by someone else.

Trey Gerrald:

It has nothing to do with the rest of the Review!.

Trey Gerrald:

I don't know.

Trey Gerrald:

I think that this is not a deal breaker for me.

Trey Gerrald:

I'm not going to go to a scientist to ask their opinion on anti-science.

Trey Gerrald:

It's like, doesn't make any sense.

Chelsey Donn:

and I feel like a little bit like OB rat Kenobi, didn't deliver on a promise

Chelsey Donn:

Like don't, don't even include that.

Chelsey Donn:

If you're not gonna then give your engineer point of view, like who cares that you're an

Trey Gerrald:

thought that was going to go somewhere and it did

Chelsey Donn:

I really did.

Chelsey Donn:

I was quite disappointed.

Chelsey Donn:

I think I'm ready to crown.

Chelsey Donn:

Is there anything else that we haven't considered that we need to,

Trey Gerrald:

No, I think that's oh, he did, OB rat Kenobi attaches a photo and

Trey Gerrald:

Like like an old man photo.

Chelsey Donn:

Oh my God.

Chelsey Donn:

But like, isn't that weird with a staircase?

Chelsey Donn:

Because the last year you talked about the stairwell.

Trey Gerrald:

Oh yeah.

Chelsey Donn:

Isn't that kind of crazy.

Chelsey Donn:

Maybe OB rat Kenobi and Fox E or cousins or something.

Chelsey Donn:

And this is how this whole experience transpired.

Chelsey Donn:

I don't

Trey Gerrald:

And the daughter is Barbie who made their own watch at swatch.

Chelsey Donn:

my God.

Chelsey Donn:

That's even grosser because that would be like his niece.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Now this is getting too far.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Let's let's crown it.


The Queens are Tabulating.

Chelsey Donn:

Okay, Trey's holding up one crown.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm holding up again a half crown.

Chelsey Donn:

I mean, I really felt compelled again to maybe do a zero crown.

Chelsey Donn:

I was struggling between the zero and a half.

Chelsey Donn:

Why did I go with the half?

Chelsey Donn:

I guess again?

Chelsey Donn:

A little bit of the attempt of humor.

Chelsey Donn:

I feel like we're dealing with a similar character.

Chelsey Donn:

So all the points I made for Foxy kind of apply here.

Chelsey Donn:

And then as of course, we've, we've mentioned at length, just no value for

Chelsey Donn:

It's kind of like when you're reading a review and you're like, Ugh, it's like, I

Chelsey Donn:

And now I gotta get back on the road and, and look for more reviews.

Chelsey Donn:

So it was a detour for me.

Chelsey Donn:

Uh, and for that reason, half crown.

Chelsey Donn:

How about you?

Chelsey Donn:

Why one crown?

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I said one crown, because ultimately the only value here I'm getting is that

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

And it really did sort of highlight.

Trey Gerrald:

I've never considered are things that a Mall overpriced.

Trey Gerrald:

I've never thought about the price difference between Amazon and S and

Trey Gerrald:

but the rest, I think the Review!

Trey Gerrald:

is sort of a mess and you know, it wasn't for me.

Trey Gerrald:

So I gave one because they're like, that's the one little tidbit of value.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

I don't know.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

I mean, I just think saying like, oh my God, Oh, my God.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

So I want to hear the reply, but I just wanted to say, I feel like saying that like, you know, it's

Chelsey Donn:

Like, it's just like, so like, duh, you know,

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

is that even factoring into the, the equation?

Chelsey Donn:

Like, okay, you don't like Malls, you're probably not going to like

Trey Gerrald:

I know, but I would've thought that you would at least be entertained by like

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Like you're taking the person that like is the, like most extreme on not liking them all.

Chelsey Donn:

And if like you can't even convince them a little bit to open up their, you know, 10 man heart

Trey Gerrald:

stop exposing me.

Trey Gerrald:

I was just trying to do something higher than I have crowd.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Leave it aloud.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

So here is the reply from Mall of America.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

Thank you for your thorough and honest Review!

Trey Gerrald:

we appreciate the feedback specifically about your restaurant experience and the time you spent

Trey Gerrald:

Thank you again.

Trey Gerrald:

Take care

Chelsey Donn:

Okay, thank you.

Chelsey Donn:

Mall of America.

Trey Gerrald:

because it's like.

Chelsey Donn:

Well, I think it was nice.

Chelsey Donn:

I liked it.

Chelsey Donn:

It was short.

Chelsey Donn:

It did kind of feel like a little bit of an auto reply to a negative review, but I liked

Chelsey Donn:

like, particularly what you said about the restaurant, you know, like

Trey Gerrald:

I know, but what they said was why can't I walk around with the beer?

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

I know, but that's why I'm saying, like, I feel like they at tried to

Chelsey Donn:

like when you're messaging someone on a dating app and you're like, they're like,

Trey Gerrald:

me include this batt from the

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

They're like holding a dog that has sunglasses on.

Chelsey Donn:

And like, what about that dog?

Chelsey Donn:

As long as it's hot, know, I don't know.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Obviously it didn't really add much to the situation, but it is sort

Chelsey Donn:

Contribution when it's like, there's clearly no contribution here.

Trey Gerrald:

But they said that they'll pass it along.

Trey Gerrald:

Who do you think guest relation Mall of America is passing this along to?

Chelsey Donn:

Did you notice when you were reading the one-star reviews that

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, there were, there were a sprinkling, they all felt as generic as this.

Chelsey Donn:

I was going to say, cause it really just feels like somebody, the only thing I'm

Chelsey Donn:

Like, I feel like that was the assignment, you know,

Trey Gerrald:

I know, but I'm, but I'm confused.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

were they passing this along to?

Trey Gerrald:

Is that.

Trey Gerrald:

just a lie?

Trey Gerrald:

They're not passing this along to anyone, right?

Chelsey Donn:

they're definitely pass this along to anyone.

Chelsey Donn:

It's definitely a lot.

Chelsey Donn:

It's a very empty promise and we know they know it, you know, but they're also

Chelsey Donn:

Thank you for your,

Trey Gerrald:

you for the time it's sucky to write about.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Thank you for your time.

Chelsey Donn:

That was my favorite part.

Chelsey Donn:

I think about it.

Chelsey Donn:

Like thank you for the time you took out of your day to write this Michigan.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, I've never been, I feel like I don't feel swayed by either of today's entries.

Trey Gerrald:

I still would probably go.

Chelsey Donn:

Do you feel like at this point with, you know, the knowledge of Mall of America,

Chelsey Donn:

So do you think that people are going to be swayed by reviews ultimately of Mall of America?

Chelsey Donn:

Or do you think it's one of those things where it's like, if I'm going to.

Chelsey Donn:

You know, Minnesota and I am going to make a list of my itinerary.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm probably going to include this on there, regardless of whether or not I

Trey Gerrald:

That's a good question, because I do feel like the Mall of America is so large and

Trey Gerrald:

Like I would look at reviews if I was going to the Eiffel tower or if I was

Trey Gerrald:

I would be checking, but for some reason for the Mall, I just feel like there's so much

Trey Gerrald:

I don't.

Trey Gerrald:

What do you think?

Chelsey Donn:

Like the only thing that I would really care about if I

Chelsey Donn:

Am I going to be circling the parking lot for an hour and a half, trying to find a parking space,

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

people are going to go, they're not going to not go

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

And I don't think that Fox E Is going to push anyone that's on the fence

Chelsey Donn:

Is that Foxy is definitely not helping anybody who

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

So what's the use.

Trey Gerrald:

Um, all of America.

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

My queen, well, that's that?

Trey Gerrald:

That's the Mall of America, which is just Mall of America.

Trey Gerrald:

I keep adding of the, and that is not there.

Trey Gerrald:

It's Mall of America.

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

My queen.

Trey Gerrald:

So we have reached the most Regal portion of our show.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Who are you in ducting today for?


My Royal Highness!

Chelsey Donn:

All right.

Chelsey Donn:

So today I want to inducts.

Chelsey Donn:

Hugs now I know hugs are a weird thing to adopt.

Chelsey Donn:

Considering my complaint was sort of about my shower hugging me and I really

Chelsey Donn:

I'm a good hugger.

Chelsey Donn:

And over the past couple of years, when we couldn't really connect with people,

Chelsey Donn:

And I think it's one of those things.

Chelsey Donn:

We don't really think about that kind of connection, but it means a lot and it can really

Chelsey Donn:

And I love hugs and I wanted to induct them as My Royal Highness, but

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

This is not for you, but for everybody else who I love hugs you're, My Royal Highness.

Trey Gerrald:

Do you want to be mauled by a bear hug?

Chelsey Donn:

If it's like, you know, from like a guy bear, not like

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, that's, that's a good distinction.

Chelsey Donn:

Any Teddy bear guys out there who are interested in giving

Chelsey Donn:

I, that sounds really creepy actually.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:

uh, yeah.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

All right.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

wonder who was the first, how did a hug become a thing?

Chelsey Donn:

I don't know, hugs are interesting.

Chelsey Donn:

They, they straddle the line.

Chelsey Donn:

It's more than a handshake

Trey Gerrald:

Right, but who even came up with a handshake?

Trey Gerrald:

I, when I was a kid, I used to think like, why is kissing something who

Chelsey Donn:

who had the thought.

Trey Gerrald:

your mouth against someone else's mouth?

Trey Gerrald:

Like who?

Trey Gerrald:

Same thing who thought let's interlock our arms around each other?

Trey Gerrald:

I mean, I guess like do that with So maybe you're like, you're keeping them close and like,

Chelsey Donn:

Yeah, there's a, there's a warmth.

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Heart to heart.

Chelsey Donn:

You know, literally there was also that guy in New York that used to

Chelsey Donn:

You always see people with free hug sign.

Chelsey Donn:

I think it's funny.

Chelsey Donn:

I mean, I, I don't think I ever accepted any of those free hugs.

Chelsey Donn:

I do like a good, nice hug with a close friend.

Chelsey Donn:

I'm like sort of famous.

Chelsey Donn:

I give really good hugs and you can ask any one of my friends they'll agree.

Chelsey Donn:

I don't know.

Chelsey Donn:

Try have we hugged?

Trey Gerrald:

We have have.

Chelsey Donn:

We've hugged.

Chelsey Donn:

We've hiked.

Chelsey Donn:

We have, we've had some good hugs.

Chelsey Donn:

We've hugged anyway.

Trey Gerrald:

Yeah, I don't think I would want to be hugged without knowing it was about to happen.

Trey Gerrald:

I think that's my line,

Chelsey Donn:

oh, for

Trey Gerrald:

even more so than consensual, just like, Oh I don't like being like, this would

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

hate that.

Trey Gerrald:

that feels like an attack.

Chelsey Donn:

Oh, I don't want to be hugged by from behind.

Chelsey Donn:

No, no, thank you.

Chelsey Donn:

You know, what I hate is like the hugs kisses, like the, the like Hershey

Trey Gerrald:

You do,

Chelsey Donn:

I think so, because I don't mind white chocolate, but there's something

Trey Gerrald:

is that specifically a hug?

Chelsey Donn:

Uh, hug is the white chocolate kisses that have like a swirl of chocolate

Trey Gerrald:

I've never put that together.

Chelsey Donn:

Y kisses and hugs.

Trey Gerrald:

that it's white and chocolate hugging.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

I've never, I've never noticed that I don't like normal kisses.

Trey Gerrald:

I like the almond kisses,

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Me too.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

but those little strings say amen.

Trey Gerrald:

And then yes, the hugs.

Trey Gerrald:

Cause I don't think I like the swirly ones either.

Trey Gerrald:

If it's an ice cream cone, I'll take a swirl.

Trey Gerrald:

I like a swirl an ice cream cone.

Trey Gerrald:


Trey Gerrald:

not for Hershey's kisses

Chelsey Donn:

I don't like unsolicited hugs.

Chelsey Donn:

I don't like backwards hugs and I don't like Hershey's hugs.

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, great induction.

Trey Gerrald:

you for walking us through that.

Trey Gerrald:

And we should all be a little, you.

Trey Gerrald:

know, be present to the gratitude for being in the hug for all the times that we

Chelsey Donn:

Yes, exactly.

Chelsey Donn:

And that's really what that's about.

Chelsey Donn:

I think

Trey Gerrald:

All right.

Trey Gerrald:

Well, we did it queen that's another round on the, RU an RQ ferris wheel of life, love truth,

Chelsey Donn:

E thank you for joining us today.

Chelsey Donn:

If you like, what you heard, please tell a friend.

Trey Gerrald:

And if you didn't like what you heard, tell an enemy.

Trey Gerrald:

Join our mailing list to stay up to date with the goings on, in the queendom at

Chelsey Donn:

And don't forget.

Chelsey Donn:

We want to hear from you hit up our voicemail box 1-850-REVIEW-0.

Chelsey Donn:

Let me know how to stop the shower curtain from hugging me.

Chelsey Donn:

You can follow us on all the socials at @TheReviewQueens and I'm at

Trey Gerrald:

Did you catch that that's a sound effect for it clinging to you?

Chelsey Donn:

Yes, I did.

Chelsey Donn:

Good jerb...

Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

Good jerb.

Chelsey Donn:

Good jerb.

Trey Gerrald:

good jerb.

Chelsey Donn:

Good jerb.

Trey Gerrald:

And, um, I'm at @TreyGerrald .. All right.

Trey Gerrald:

So on today's after show pod, we are rating and reviewing a one star review from TripAdvisor for.

Trey Gerrald:

And I'm not going to give you any more information than what it's called the Williams Brice stadium.

Chelsey Donn:


Trey Gerrald:

So to find out what made Chelsey say,

Chelsey Donn:

And to find out what made Trey say,

Trey Gerrald:

I'm not trying to be like a stereotype here...

Trey Gerrald:

was Tom Brady a football player.

Chelsey Donn:

then join our Patreon Page at in order to hear

Chelsey Donn:

Ignore the haters you're

Trey Gerrald:

Gender non specific queen

Chelsey Donn:

ignore!, ignore em Jerbs!.

Trey Gerrald:


Chelsey Donn:


Chelsey Donn:

have a good jerb.


Review That an independent Certain names been redacted or changed to


Our cover art was designed by LogoVora and our theme song was written by

Trey Gerrald:

I can't believe that he was an elite reviewer with

Chelsey Donn:

I know.

Trey Gerrald:

good jerb.

Trey Gerrald:

Knowing what a trouser snake was.

Chelsey Donn:

Oh, you.

Chelsey Donn:

Good Jerb.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Review That Review with Chelsey and Trey
Review That Review with Chelsey and Trey
A comedy podcast rating reviewing, and hilariously dissecting online reviews, uncovering the outrageous stories behind the stars.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Trey Gerrald

Trey Gerrald

Actor | Writer | Human-Person
Review Queen 👑
Profile picture for Chelsey Donn

Chelsey Donn

Actress | Comedian | Writer
Review Queen 👑